The Worcestershire Woodland Project (WWP) offers participants an opportunity to experience working in an outdoor woodland setting, learning new skills, building social skills and raising levels of confidence. The project aims to equip participants with vocational skills to use in the workplace whilst also involving people in conservation work and improving levels of physical and mental health and wellbeing through the use of social forestry. Activities range from coppicing, weaving fences, pole lathe wood turning, cooking on camp fires to walking through the woodland learning the history and dynamics of the woodland environment. Our base camp is in Churchill Wood, Spetchley. Materials are sourced from the wood itself.

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Wednesday, 6 March 2013

signs of spring

The bluebells are shooting and the birds are starting to get more vocal but best of all is the tree sap is closest to the bark in spring meaning we can do some extraction again.

We 'drilled' into the silver birch above where we did it last spring. As soon as the sap begins to flow we insert the channel, which we made out of some hazel and attached a bottle to collect the sap in.

We left nature to take its course and went off for our days work, clearing our coppicing areas and burning brash.
When we returned just before packing up the good old silver birch had filled our bottle right up and gave everyone a refreshing drink. A real taste of spring.

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