The Coopers Mill fencing job is still going strong, with the whole gang digging holes, preparing posts, rails and pails. Thanks especially to the dedication and hard work of two WWP members particulalry; Gary and Graham, who have devoted their services for extra days of work voluntarily to ensure that the fence work really takes shape. I hope you'll agree that it looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to doing some more work on it this Friday.
Last time we were at Coopers Mill a lovely big heron swooped in and landed in the shallows of Dowles Brook. Unfortunately we weren't quick enough to get a photo but i'm hoping that he may come and join us again this week and if the local kingfisher turns up too that would be great.
The Worcestershire Woodland Project (WWP) offers participants an opportunity to experience working in an outdoor woodland setting, learning new skills, building social skills and raising levels of confidence. The project aims to equip participants with vocational skills to use in the workplace whilst also involving people in conservation work and improving levels of physical and mental health and wellbeing through the use of social forestry. Activities range from coppicing, weaving fences, pole lathe wood turning, cooking on camp fires to walking through the woodland learning the history and dynamics of the woodland environment. Our base camp is in Churchill Wood, Spetchley. Materials are sourced from the wood itself.